Login to the right using the credentials provided to you within your instructions email.
Abstract Reviewing Center instructions:
- Once logged in, you will be directed to the “Rating Form” page. In the middle is a ‘Search’ section where you can search by sub-category. Below the ‘Search’ section is where you will see the abstracts assigned to you for review.
- To the right of the abstract title, click on ‘Review’ and the system will take you to the rating form. First you will see the full content of the abstract and once you scroll down, the rating form will begin and this is where you will answer the reviewing questions.
- First, you will have the ability to abstain from reviewing an abstract should you have a conflict; grading the abstract on the 1 - 10 scale, noted above; noting if the abstract is basic or clinically focused; and finally, a section for comments regarding the abstract. Comments will be shared with the Theme Committees who will make the final abstract selections based on your reviews.
- Once you have completed all review questions, you will click ‘Save’ at the bottom left of the ‘Rating Form’ and the screen will close.
- After you complete a review, your score will show in the ‘Rating’ column and there will be a timestamp of when you reviewed that abstract.
- The system will consider an abstract fully reviewed after four (4) reviewers have reviewed it. Once this occurs, the abstract title will be removed from your list.
- To ensure that your reviews have been saved, please make sure there is a score in the ‘Rating’ column and a timestamp noted.