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Interactive O&M Workshop

This year, Penn-Del AER Conference Planning Committee and the Orientation and Mobility Specialist Association (OMSA) have worked cooperatively to provide an interactive workshop opportunity, The Barlow Initiative: Traffic Engineering and Orientation and Mobility: Cultivating Collaboration.

This event will be held on Friday April 26, 2024, at the conference site and in the Harrisburg area, from 8:15 AM to 4:30 PM. The cost is $55.00 for each participant with CEUs being available. Transportation Professionals and O&M Specialists will work together visiting intersections, discussing strategies to improve wayfinding, and increase safety at the targeted crossings.

Registration, payment, and CEUs for this event are independent from the Penn-Del AER Conference registration process. Visit the Penn-Del AER website conference page for the announcement.

Please use this link to register: Traffic Engineering and Orientation and Mobility: Cultivating Collaboration Workshop (google.com).