SSO 2025 Countdown
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Showcase your research at SSO 2025!

Abstract Submission: Monday, July 15, 2024 – Monday, October 7, 2024 at 11:59 pm (CST)

The Scientific Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts and videos for the SSO 2025 Annual Meeting, taking place in Tampa, Florida, March 27-29, 2025. All cancer care professionals, both SSO members and non-members, are strongly encouraged to submit their scientific work.
Please review the following guidelines before submitting an abstract. To begin your submission, click the Submit button located at the bottom of this page.


October 7, 2024, 11:59 PM (CST) Abstract Submission Deadline
At this time the system will close. Once submission ends, incomplete abstracts cannot be edited or submitted.
Early December 2024 Abstract Notification Sent to Presenter/Submitter
December 16, 2024 Abstract Author/Title Changes Deadline
March 2025 Abstract Supplement Published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology
March 27-29, 2025 SSO 2025 Meeting: Tampa, FL


General Submission Guidelines

No submission extensions will be granted.

There is a limit of 2,300 characters for the text of your abstract submission. This includes the title and abstract body; spaces are not counted towards the character count. If you copy and paste the title and/or body from your word processor, most special characters will transfer. You can replace special characters and/or insert formatting tags using the "Insert Symbol" from the tool bar. Your data can be viewed in the Submission Portal after submission for confirmation of proper symbol placement

You may add one table OR one image to your abstract. Characters will not be deducted from the total character count for tables and images. Tables and Images can be easily edited or deleted any time before the submission deadline.

Edits can be made to your submission before the closing deadline. After the closing date, edits must be sent via email and receive approval from the Scientific Program Committee.

There is a non-refundable $60.00 submission fee for each abstract submitted for consideration to SSO 2025. The submission fee must be paid via credit card when submitting your abstract. You will not be able to submit your abstract if the fee is not paid.

Abstract fees will not be refunded if you choose to withdraw.

There are no restrictions on the number of abstracts you may submit.

You are not required to be an SSO member to submit an abstract however, abstracts should include at least one SSO member as an author or co-author. Please contact SSO Membership Staff at for questions.

There is a limit of 20 co-authors for each abstract.

The ACCME only requires the submitter and presenting authors to have current disclosure. The submitter will be required to include their disclosure upon submission. If the presenting author is different than the submitter, they will be required to submit their disclosure, if accepted, through their Speaker Portal (instructions will be sent at a later date). All other co-authors will not need to submit their disclosure for abstract review.

Yes. There will be a dedicated resident/fellow track on the program. Any medical student, resident, or fellow abstracts submitted and accepted onto the program will be included in this track.

SSO will accept abstract submissions from authors and/or co-authors who are employees of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or medical technology companies.

Yes. Please note that Case Reports are only accepted for video abstract submissions.

Abstracts submitted to Advanced Cancer Therapies 2025 can also be submitted and presented for SSO 2025. We encourage submission for both!

When submitting an abstract to SSO 2025, the submitting author must comply with the following submission policies. The submitting author is responsible for communicating policies to all involved parties:
  • Presentation/Publication Prior to SSO 2024:
    • An abstract that has been or will be presented or published at another meeting prior to SSO 2025 can be submitted for presentation at SSO 2025 if:
      • It was submitted for presentation at the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
      • It was submitted for presentation at the 2025 ASCO GI Cancer Symposium.
      • It is submitted to SSO 2025 in the Team Science category and meets the Team Science criteria.
      • It is submitted to SSO Advanced Cancer Therapies 2025 Meeting.
  • Abstracts accepted, presented or published at any NATIONAL or GLOBAL meetings (other than those mentioned above) prior to March 20, 2025, are not eligible for presentation at SSO 2025.
  • SSO will not accept abstracts that represent previously reported studies, except those submitted in the Team Science category.

Submission of an abstract does not constitute registration for the meeting. Presenters of accepted abstracts attending the meeting are expected to register and pay the meeting registration fee. All abstract presentations will be in-person only. Registration and housing information will be available on the website in October.

The SSO late-breaking policy allows for the submission of late-breaking data only for the following:

  • You must select the “late breaking” abstract type when submitting your abstract.
  • Randomized phase II and III trials for which no preliminary data are available at the time of the abstract submission deadline (October 7, 2024).
  • Original research studies that highlight novel and high-impact research with practice-changing implications
  • The initial abstract must be submitted by the October 7, 2024, deadline as a placeholder (shell) abstract submission. During submission, you will be required to enter all authors and submit disclosures, the Background and Methods sections, provide the primary clinical endpoint for analysis, type of analysis, date of planned analysis, and planned statistical methods.
  • For a placeholder (shell) abstract to be considered for late-breaking data submission status, the first author must:
    • Submit a placeholder (shell) abstract, completing all steps in the submitter with the exception of the Results and Conclusions sections, by the abstract submission deadline (October 7, 2024).
    • Describe the type of data that will be submitted by the late-breaking data submission deadline, indicating the primary clinical endpoint for analysis, planned statistical plan for analysis, and date of planned analysis.
    • A data analysis timeline will be required during the submission process.
    • The final, updated late-breaking data should be submitted by December 6, 2024, at 11:59 PM CST. An email will come via SSO requesting the author complete the abstract data. Failure to submit data by the deadline will result in the abstract’s removal. Extensions will not be granted.

The SSO will accept video abstract submissions depicting innovative techniques used to treat common or complex problems, interesting cases or demonstrations, or new therapies or applications for a specific disease site. Case Reports will be considered for Video Abstract submissions. Promotional videos (personal or commercial) will not be considered.
Video abstract submission details must be submitted on the SSO 2025 Abstract site by October 7, 2024.
Instructions for Submitting a Video Abstract:
  1. Submit your abstract detail as listed above. Select "Video Presentation" under "Abstract Submission Type" in the Call for Abstracts
  2. Follow the steps within the Abstract Submission system to include your abstract body detail.
  3. Video files will not be accepted during the submission process. Reviewers will use your abstract body detail to make their blinded-review decision.
  4. Accepted Video Abstracts will be required to upload final video file presentations by March 14, 2025. Further instruction will be email to submitters once acceptance notifications are received.

As required by the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, all planners, reviewers, presenters, instructors, moderators, authors, and other individuals in a position to control or influence the content of an activity must disclose ALL financial relationships with any ineligible company that have occurred within the past 24 months. Ineligible companies are those that cannot be accredited in the ACCME System and whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.
Per ACCME, there is no minimum financial threshold for financial relationships; individuals must disclose all financial relationships, regardless of the amount, with ineligible companies. Individuals must disclose regardless of their view of the relevance of the relationship to the education.
As the accredited provider, SSO is responsible for identifying relevant financial relationships between individuals in control of educational content and ineligible companies and managing these to ensure they do not introduce commercial bias into the education. Financial relationships of any dollar amount are defined as relevant if the educational content is related to the business lines or products of the ineligible company.
All identified conflicts of interest must be mitigated, and the educational content vetted for fair balance, scientific objectivity, and appropriateness of patient care recommendations. Learners must be informed that all relevant financial relationships have been mitigated prior to engaging in accredited education. Learners must also be informed when off label; experimental/investigational uses of drugs or devices are discussed in an educational activity or included in related materials.
SSO requires all learners receive disclosure information before engaging in accredited education. Disclosure to learners must include:
• The first and last name of individual with the financial relationship.
• The names of the ineligible companies with which they have relationships.
• The nature of the relationships.
• A statement that all relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.
Disclosure to learners must not include ineligible companies’ corporate or product logos, trade names, or product group messages.
SSO must inform learners about planners, faculty, and others in control of content (either individually or as a group) with no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.
Companies that are ineligible to be accredited in the ACCME System (ineligible companies) are those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. ACCME does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be ineligible.

Copyright Assignment: I represent and warrant that the attached abstract and any later-created Presentation is/will be original work. I understand that in the event my abstract is accepted by SSO, all materials related to my abstract and Presentation may be used by SSO, in any form, for educational purposes including, but not limited to, recording my oral presentation of this material; the sale of this recording; and the printing and/or electronic publication of this material, excerpts, or abstracts. I control all rights to the abstract and Presentation which is/will be created, have the authority to assign copyrights, and hereby agree to assign to SSO all copyrights in the abstract and Presentation in any medium if my abstract and Presentation is accepted by SSO.

Abstract Selection Guidelines

All abstracts are subject to a blind peer-review by members of the following:
  • SSO Scientific Program Committee
  • Breast Disease Site Work Group
  • Colorectal Disease Site Work Group
  • Endocrine/Head & Neck Disease Site Work Group
  • Gastrointestinal Disease Site Work Group
  • HPB Disease Site Work Group
  • Melanoma Disease Site Work Group
  • Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Disease Site Work Group
  • Sarcoma Disease Site Work Group
  • Quality Committee
The Scientific Program Committee makes all final decisions relative to the abstract selection and scheduling.
All reviewers, session planners and invited faculty will be required to disclose all financial relationships through the online system, helping to ensure high-quality, unbiased presentations and compliance with CME regulations. In addition, all authors must disclose all financial relationships during the submission process before their abstract will be considered and graded.

All accepted poster abstracts will be electronic. There will be a Poster area where printed posters will be displayed.

Each abstract submitter will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the abstract after initiating a submission and after completing a submission. If the abstract is selected for inclusion in SSO 2025, the presenting author listed will receive an invitation to participate from the Scientific Program Committee by the beginning of December 2024.
Abstracts may not be withdrawn after acceptance. You may select a replacement presenter if you are unable to present your abstract in-person. All author/title changes must be communicated prior to December 16, 2024 in order to be included in the Abstract edition of the Annals of Surgical Oncology or meeting materials.
To withdraw an abstract, the presenter must notify the SSO office by the end of the abstract review. Once an abstract has been accepted for the program it may no longer be withdrawn. Prior to submitting your abstract(s), please ensure you and/or one of your team of authors has secured proper funding sources to present at the meeting. Presenters of the accepted abstracts must register for the meeting and are responsible for their own travel expenses as well as the meeting registration fee.

SSO is offering several of the following awards below for abstracts submitted for SSO 2025. You may request consideration for the following awards when submitting your abstract. Applicants for the awards are limited to those who submit an abstract for consideration by the SSO Scientific Program Committee by the abstract submission deadline. Award consideration criteria are detailed below and are included in the submission instructions on the submission site. Please check all boxes appropriate to the award(s) for which you wish to be considered when submitted your abstract. Papers published or presented elsewhere prior to March 27, 2025, are not eligible for an award:

  • Harvey Baker Traveling Fellow Award
  • Annual Resident/Fellow Essay Awards (Clinical Research and Basic Science Research)
  • SSO Top-Rated Podium Award
  • SSO Top-Rated Poster Award
  • Dale Han Award

SSO leadership believes that research presented at SSO’s annual meeting should be published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology (ASO) and the Surgical Oncology Insight (SOI), the official journals of the SSO. The following guidance provides submission information; detailed information will be provided to accepted abstract presenters.
  • Top 25 Accepted Abstracts: Authors of the top 25 abstracts will be invited to submit their manuscript for consideration for publication in the ASO by December. Identified abstract-manuscript submissions will be targeted for simultaneous publication at the time of abstract presentation. The peer review process can take up to 8 weeks. This invitation will be sent via email from ASO, please look out for this invite with instructions and deadlines.
  • Accepted Podium Abstracts: Authors of accepted podium abstracts are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts to ASO within three months of the meeting’s conclusion. Manuscript submission information will be posted on the SSO 2025 website.
  • Named Lectureships: Those who are invited to deliver the named lectureships of the International Conference on Surgical Cancer Care are encouraged to submit a manuscript to ASO as a condition of the lectureship. Manuscript submission information will be posted on the SSO 2025 website.
  • Poster Abstracts: Authors of all poster abstracts accepted are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts to the Surgical Oncology Insight Journal within three months of the meeting’s conclusion. Manuscript submission information will be posted on the SSO 2025 website.
  • Global Partner Poster Program: Authors of all Global Partner Program Poster abstracts accepted are strongly encouraged submit their manuscripts to the Surgical Oncology Insight Journal within three months of the meeting’s conclusion. Manuscript submission information will be posted on the SSO 2025 website.

Presenters are required to present in-person and register for SSO 2025.

Abstract submissions are now closed.

Notifications will be sent out in early-December. If you have any questions, please contact SSO Meetings & Education Department at