Conference Anti-Harassment Policy

AWP supports freedom of speech and expression in our programs, publications, and events. We understand that occasionally this free and open forum may result in disagreement and conflict. AWP does not arbitrate personal disputes among members or attendees and is not obligated to any particular action for a disagreement among individuals.

However, if multiple, substantiated claims are reported to AWP about an individual’s problematic, harassing, or otherwise inappropriate behavior that would violate AWP’s harassment policy, it may result in the individual’s removal from AWP activities, including membership, publications, and conference programs and events. Determination of whether an individual is removed is at the discretion of the AWP Board of Directors.

To report harassing behavior, please email with as much information as you can provide, and it will be routed to the appropriate department. Complaints escalated to a select committee of the AWP Board of Directors will be reviewed and investigated, with the results to be shared with the reporting party within thirty days of the committee receiving the complaint.